Feb-march, and Robin Hood.
Hi people!
So, here will be a few posts showing me recent doings. First one is about bow-shooting.
Monty, my lovely friend and neighboor here, has bought a bow. Not just any bow, but THE bow. And he let me try it out. After both of us getting hyped(opstemte) for a long time just pulling back the bowstring and testing who could pull it furthest, most times(Monty didn't actually have and arrows at first, so we had to imagie that part), we we're like to small boys about to buy our first.....magazine.
And finally Monty got hold of some arrows he borrowed from a friend(and finally succeded in breaking ever one of them), we tried it out. Here are the pictures.
I might as well admit it: Monty is a lot better than me. But, well, it's his bow after all, and he's been shooting alot lately. I never tried it before, and have, up until now, shot 6 arrows in me life, all this saturday. So, here is Monty shooting.
And here is me, trygin to fit the arrow to the bow. Which is harder than you'd think.
I know i look like a pro and really forcused, but i'm actually thinking "what am i supposed to do now?". Shooting bow is complicated. Well, i shot, and i managed to hit the target, sort of, at least half of the shots. The rest went into the walls.
And here she is: Monty's bow.
Up close: what a beauty.
Thats all for bowshooting.
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