lørdag, november 18, 2006

I'm still alive. Don't wory.

I'm still here. I've just been very lazy, for SO long, and didn't upload anything. Here we go.

Yesterday, I was looking at all of my paintings done so far, with Artëm. We were both very pleased, i'm doing very good with colors. I have sort of entered a period, where i'm getting to perfectionistic (can you say that?), and trying to much to better than i did the last time. This is very normal, i'm well aware of it myself, and can remember periods like this from when i'm drawing a lot. It's no problem, it well change. What it means is, that i try to much to make the picture look really good and welldone. And when that happens, i'll usually bury(begrave) myself in a detail or two in the picture, and neglect( ikke give opmærksomhed til) the bigger picture.

I also went shopping with Artëm yesterday, we bought 2 sofas in cadmium orange, which is a very screaming orange color. Like the orange on an ambulance, fx. They are to be used inhis new studio (i'll post pictures of it soon), which, in effect, will sort of be MY studio, the 4 months he's not here next semester. It's gonna be a really swell (brandgodt) place.

So anyway, here's 3 pictures of all my.. pictures. Then you can see them in comparison, and get a feeling of the sizes. The one of the naked boy, in the right lower corner, is my favourite model studie. Also my first. Artëm was very happy with the one in the left corner, of the girl.

And here's the other side. The big blue one, that's my "masterpiece" so to speak. The one that i've had most trouble with, and i've "done" most things with. It's given me a lot of thought, and monday i'll try to finish it. I've been working so long on it now. The one with all the pink is, i think, the first still life i did, the first painting at all actually. With a lot of help from Artëm, that turned out really good actually.

And lastly: it's true, that i've had some gloomy, dark days lately, and this is what the general impression of my room was: messy. As can be seen on the pciture (the rest looked even worse). So i cleaned up! And it looks much better now (you can actually see the floor now). Didn't manage to was the floor though, but i will. Also, i wanted to fix my bike. it's been flat for some time now. So, Artëm came by one night (Artëm artëm artëm artëm i know, i know, i'll get some more friends soon), i told him i wanted to patch(lappe) it, and he started laughing. Turns out, my actual tire is worn down, from all the breaking i've done on my bike, and it's been worn all the way through the rubber. Theres some fabric underneath the rubber, but the tire is absolutely broke. So i have to by a new one. Great...

In the end, here they are, all they works. Enjoy!

I now i haven't been home for a long time now, but i will be home sometime near december, maybe not untill the beginning of december (my father nturns 114 years old the 9th. of december. Yes he doesn't like it, but he's getting old), so i'll definately be home then. Maybe before. And, i'll be home around christmas, although not in good time! The course stops the 22nd of december, so i'll only JUST have time to come home! And that also means, everyone, PLEASE send me your notes of christmas present needs now, so i can start getting even more poor than i am. 'Cus i haven't got time to buy presents in copenhagen!

Thats all for now. I'll try to update on the exciting subjects like my flat tire, and the new studio(oh! "studeo" means the place to paint, by the way, NOT the place to play music!) soon.

Untill then, take care everyone. Jeppe