Different chillout.
So here is a little drawing i did in my sketchbook, of nothing.
Den nemme måde at følge med i mit liv.
So here is a little drawing i did in my sketchbook, of nothing.
So, Israel decided he wanted a burger. And, he thought, why not invite one or two of the guys from the class? Well, before Israel had looked around, he promised the whole class he would make burgers for them. 50 burgers, in fact (2 for each person). So, i realized this is where i had to come to the rescue. Which i did, and we went shopping for 13 packs of minced beef(hakket oksekød), burger breads and everything that we needed. And then we fried....50-60(some were eaten in the process) burger steaks, cut the salat, tomatoes, cucumber, bread in the oven, and all that jazz. I think it took us around 2½ hours of work. But it all payed off, and everyone was very happy for the burgers and we became heroes. So here are the pictures.
These are pictures from Artem's goodbye-party.
So yes, i started teaching. And i'm damn good at it, if i have to say so myself. Certainly, there are some flaws here and there, and i may say some strange stuff also, but i think i'm doing good. Unfortunately, i don't have very many pictures of the class, but i'm spending all my time teaching, and i don't have time to take pictures in the middle of everything.
Hi everybody! Missed me? I'm sure you did. You certainly haven't seen me for quite a while. Anyway, don't check the blog too often, maybe 2 or 3 times a month at the most, because i don't want to update very often. Anyway, here's the first of 2-4 posts. This one is about my room and my redecorating. I put up a portrait Artëm did of me in my first semester, and next to it, my brother will be happy too see that i finally put up all those Georg Jensen clocks and what-nots(dimser) that he gave me... I found a hammer in my room, and loads of nails, so i've been in a putting things on my wall-mood(humør) lately. I love putting nails in the wall.
Also, i found this mirror in the hallway. It's almost as tall as me, and very good for, hrm, øhm, learning the different muscles, and, ehm, bones and...er...stuff. Also, i've put up a few of my drawings from Russia. The lady on the wall (NOT the one on the calender with big breasts, mind you) is from russia. Also, i decided to get a table for my room, and remove my small chair and table with my computer on, so i'll get a little more space. Anyway, it will make sense once i do it and show you.
So, here is a picture of me very tired. That day, i had such a red eye, red as blood. I don't know what caused it, maybe dust. Since then, i cleaned all my clothes, i had to wash 8 times to get through everything. Then i cleand up my room, vacumed my room, and washed the floor. And changed my matress. Then, recently Monty moved in again (untill the 1. of feb.), so now it will get dirty again...
And lastly, this is me again. I'm seriously thinking of going bald again, my hair is annoying, but we'll see. I don't really feel like doing it yet.
Hi everyone! Back again in the new year. So, this is my first post in the new year, containing a little bit different stuff.