mandag, september 25, 2006

The Killer Shoes from Heaven.

Oh joy! Oh happiness! Here, on these pictures, you are viewing my very new shoes. As you can see, they are orange.

I actually had these shoes before, the same model at least. Some of you may remember them, it's the red ones i've been wearing for a long time now. But, my red ones are completely smahsed and ripped open, so i ordered a new pair. You were able to color design them yourself, which i did.

Orange, light-blue, purple, umbra-reddish, neon green, all the colors of heaven. And with very nice details on them, like the flowers on the picture above, and like the "flaboere" tekst on the picture on the left.

As for my life besides shoes, it's been a good weekend. I went to a familie get-together form friday to saturday, lots of fun and all that jazz, and i'm back in Viborg, back at studying and painting. Tomorrow's my second spanish lesson, and if i'm lucky, these british people form the familiy thing will give contact me, and then i'll meet them in Århus on of these days. Hope they will, they are very cool people.

Anyway, thats all for now, i'll be back with more stuff as soon as it happens! Stay tuned (Monty, maybe you should simply start checking every third day, then, instead of every day...)

onsdag, september 20, 2006

Wednseday testing.

Hi guys.
I've had it up to here with this stupid "blogspot" thing, it's giving me a lot of trouble, but anyway, here's another little update.

Yesterday was a really cool day. As seen on the picture here, i'm with Su from the class, at the Mathias Center downtown sketching. My point is, that i had the class for the last 3 hours yesterday. I started the day by sleeping one more hour in the morning, painting for 2 hours, then teaching. And they were all shi-erm, not very good. I spent around 1 hour going through all their sketches, just to have Artëm sum it up to "no but i mean it's all crap". Oh well. Fun never the less.

Besides that, i called this stupid computerstore where i bought some stuff, and after calling 4 times, being on hold for 20 minutes, they finally told my that i could simply come and pick up a new set of my stuff. Wuhuu finally. And my shoes arrived, and i'm getting it all this weekend, where i'm going to this familiy get together for the familiy of my fathers wife. Gonna be great, i'm sure. So happy day. And the sun even started shining (at least on me)!

Here is a portrait i'm working on at the moment, although my "subject" is in germany, so i'm not really doing much now (about 30% of this was done without him even being here). For those who know him, it's Jesper, and i know, i know, doesn't look to much like him, but it will in the end!

And here is a short drawing(2½ hours) i made a long time ago. The students had had a lesson from Artëm, and it seemed to me nobody really understood it, so i made a little example. And i wanted to draw. Once you start getting a little more sure on what you're doing in the long studies, it gets very relaxing to do, and it's a good way to make time pass. The composition and movement is that of a train actually. The movement starts with the skull, where i pulled out the cheekbone, and moves slowly to the stone behind, and gains speed, going to the little stone in the corner.

Lastly, here is a photo of my new clothes. I bought them in copenhagen, and it's mainly t-shirts in blue, yelloe, red, ultramarin(blue)-ish blue, and a very bright yellow. I looked in my closet, and everything was black/white, and very booring, so i bought some more colorful clothes. And typically, tomorrow we have uniform day at the school, and everone will be wearing black. Great.

I'll be back tomorrow with more stuff, if the computer allows me!

mandag, september 18, 2006

Monday gone like the wind.

Hello everyone! Out of sympathy for poor Israel, my blog is going to be in english from now on. Of some of you have NO clue what i am writing, tell me, and i will change it back (or work doubble as much and have both!)

This saturday i arrived in Viborg. I got my revenge on DSB, and my bike got here, although DSB tried to sabotage my ride, by giving me seats in a part of the train that was going to Aalborg and NOT Viborg! Second, i was told that i had to change in a station called Langå (you usually change there when going to Viborg) but when i got there, it turned out, i just neede to stay in my train(i found out after running around at the 4 platforms looking for the right tracks... carrying by bike. I just got inside the train 10 seconds before it left the station..), but alas, DSB, you failed to destroy my life once more, and now I'm safe and secure in Viborg w/ bike! Muahaha!

And i spend the rest of my weekend hangin out with my friends here, Mette and Israel. We made croissants (yummie). With Chocolate!

LOTS of chocolate...

Besides eating that, we were watching movies, and reading important news in the magasines!

Well, looks like we'll weather. Yup. Very good articles, by the way.

So, basically we ate croissants and had a good time! Mette was just barely able to squeese the last one down here, without anyone noticing (yeah right...)! Sneaky sneaky.

Today i've been drawing a little, and painting a little. It was nice to get back to the painting, and getting into it, and Artëm said today, that he is happy i know how to draw, because the painting gets so much easier this way, and he's convinced i will be a strong painter in the end. Good for me.

Ok, about to freak out from stupid blogspot not doing everything wrong, i'll post again tomorrow, on what happened in copenhagen last week. Sleep tight.

fredag, september 15, 2006

Ferie i KBH.

Denne uge har jeg holdt ferie i København. Tegneholdet har en gæstelærer i Karakter Design, hvilket jeg er ligeglad med, så jeg tog til København istedet.
Her har jeg så været siden mandags, og har fået ordnet et par småting, og hængt ud med venner. Fx havde jeg et par stykker på besøg til mexicansk lasagne á la Israel (i cooked the dish, dude, and it was ok).

Jeg sidder hos min bror på nettet nu, der er ikke noget hos min mor.
Imorgen får jeg hævn mod DSB, eftersom jeg IDAG har købt alle de slags billetter jeg kunne komme i nærheden af både til mig og cyklen. Hah! Tag DEN Dsb.
Men nu er der kommet en ny på min hadeliste. Jeg var ude og bytte noget indventar til min computer som er deffekt men det troede fjolset selvf. ikke på, så de ville tage det ind og så skulle JEG ringe til DEM om en UGE! Ahva! Jeg bor sgudda i Viborg. Og jeg skulle SELV betale fortransport hvis det skal sendes til mig. Og jeg har en grim fornemmelse af, at de NÆGTER at det er defekt.... gah, jeg ringer til dem onsdag og hører. Ellers kan det være min bror jeg jeg smutter forbi med et par boldtræ på et tidspunkt (min bror hader ham nemlig også). Så alt i alt en farverig ferie indtil videre.

Imorgen skal jeg så hjem til Viborg og se min lærer igen, han er hjemme fra Rusland og måske høre hans dom over resultatet af min undervisning.

Jeg skriver snart igen! Når min cykel og jeg er tilbage i Viborg sikkert!
Hyg jer.

fredag, september 08, 2006

Fredag efter skole

Hejsa. Jeg er stadig i live, omend kun lige præcis. I denne her uge har jeg undervist klassen alene, fordi Artëm er i Rusland, og det har været helt ekstremt hårdt... rigtig fedt må jeg sige, jeg er meget tilfreds med forløbet, men for pokker, hver dag efter skole har jeg været fuldstændig bombet, jeg har slet ikke haft energi til hverken at male eller tage billeder. Men i aften sker der noget, så jeg kan forhåbentlig oploade lidt søndag. Mandag tager jeg til KBH (skal du med der, Monty?) om morgenen, og kommer til Viborg søndag eller lørdag.

Thats all folks.